2020: Conference programme

The conference is held under the auspices of Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic Lubomír Metnar


Conference opening 
Foreword by Mr. Zbyněk Pavlačík, Jagello 2000 Chairman 
Address by the President of the Czech Republic Miloš Zeman – delivered by Mr. Rudolf Jindrák, Head of the Foreign Affairs Department, Office of the President of the Czech Republic 
Speech by Mr. Andrej Babiš, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

Address by the Minister of Interior of the Czech Republic
Our security and defence policy in the crises times: 2020s as a restart?
Jan Hamáček, 1st Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior of the Czech Republic
Moderator: Zbyněk Pavlačík, Jagello 2000 Chairman 

Key note I
Mircea Geoană, NATO Deputy Secretary General (videoconference) 
Topic: Crises help us get stronger: NATO’s response to current global situation
Moderator: Jakub Landovský, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to NATO 

Panel 1 / Cooperation
Role of NATO and collective defence: current view from Central Europe

Lubomír Metnar, Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic 
Tibor Benkő, Minister of Defence of Hungary 
Jaroslav Naď, Minister od Defence of the Slovak Republic 
Moderator: Tomáš Pojar, Vice-President of CEVRO Institute 

Address by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Tomáš Petříček (video)
Moderator: Martin Povejšil, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Security Policy and Multilateral Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic 

Panel 2 / Connections 
Information, Finance, Cybersecurity: covid-19 as a catalyst

Karel Řehka, Director, National Cyber and Information Security Agency
Michal Kořan, President, Global Arena Research Institute 
Roman Chlupatý, Global Strategist, Save & Capital
Moderator: Radek Špicar, Vice-President for Economic Policy and Export at the Confederation of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic  

Key note II 
John F. Sopko
, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (videoconference)
Topic: Joint international involvement in Afghanistan’s reconstruction and its relevance for the future
Moderator: Martin Povejšil, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Security Policy and Multilateral Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic 

Panel 3 / Transformations  
Pandemic as a test of the power of democracy and economy

Věra Jourová, Vice-President for Values and Transparency, European Commission 
Vladimír Dlouhý, President, Czech Chamber of Commerce
Moderator: Martin Povejšil, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Security Policy and Multilateral Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic 

Key note III
Richard B. Landolt, U.S. Secretary of Defence Representative in Europe (videoconference)
Topic: NATO: Now and forever 
Moderator: Martin Povejšil, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Security Policy and Multilateral Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
14.15Coffee break

Panel 4 / Perspectives 
Political debate: Czech defence and security in the pandemic times 

Lubomír Metnar, Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic, ANO 2011 
Ivan Bartoš, Pirates Chairman
Ondřej Veselý, ČSSD Deputy Chairman 
Marian Jurečka, KDU-ČSL Chairman
Vojtěch Filip, KSČM Chairman 
Alexandr Vondra, MEP, ODS Deputy Chairman 
Tomio Okamura, SPD Chairman 
Markéta Pekarová Adamová, TOP 09 Chairwoman
Vít Rakušan, STAN Chairman
Moderator: Tomáš Pojar, Vice-President of CEVRO Institute 

Final address
Zbyněk Pavlačík, Jagello 2000 Chairman
Glass of wine hosted by SATUM CZECH s.r.o. 
17.00End of the conference