2015: About the conference

Jagello 2000 organized 2nd edition of the conference „Our Security Cannot Be Taken For Granted“, which brings together top-level state representatives, politicians, experts and military representatives to discuss challenges and plans for further ensuring the defence and security of the Czech Republic, on 27 May, 2015, in the premises of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. 

The conference aimed not only to summarize main changes in security environment of the last year from the international institutions‘ and Czech Republic’s point of view, but also to answer how the Czech Republic should and could reflect on these changes. 

Members of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, representatives of the ministries of foreign affairs, defence and interior, top representatives of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, top Czech security experts, diplomats, defence attachés and members of the security community attended the conference. Former President of the Polish Republic, Mr. Aleksander Kwaśniewski, was an honourable guest of the conference.

The 2nd edition of the conference achieved a wide response of the Czech and foreign media thanks to its unique format of interaction among top-level security experts and general public. Many media outputs in both Czech (Czech Television, Lidové noviny, etc.) and foreign media (Reuters, Bloomberg, etc.) were published. 

The 2nd edition of the conference was held under the auspices 
of the President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Jan Hamáček